In addition to its biennial world conference, ISME supports a number of regional conferences every other year. Whilst the world conference is held in an even numbered year, the regional conferences are held in the odd numbered year. Each regional conference can be accessed through the HOME button in the top right hand corner of this screen or by clicking on a photo below.
2023 Regional Conference Schedule
European Conference - Lyon, France , 24-27 May, 2023 (in conjunction with EAS (European Association for Music in Schools)
PASMAE (Pan African Society for Music Arts Education), 24-28 July 2023. University of Cape Coast. Ghana
APSMER (Asian Pacific Society for Music Education Research), 9-11 August 2023. Seoul, South Korea.
Latin American/Pan American Conference Regional Conference, 3-6 October 2023. Santiago, Chile
South Asia Regional Conference, 24-26 November 2023. Chennai, India.
To find out more just click on a photo below.
European Conference - Lyon, France , 24-27 May, 2023 (in conjunction with EAS (European Association for Music in Schools)
PASMAE (Pan African Society for Music Arts Education), 24-28 July 2023. University of Cape Coast. Ghana
APSMER (Asian Pacific Society for Music Education Research), 9-11 August 2023. Seoul, South Korea.
Latin American/Pan American Conference Regional Conference, 3-6 October 2023. Santiago, Chile
South Asia Regional Conference, 24-26 November 2023. Chennai, India.
To find out more just click on a photo below.
Regional Conference partners: