The submission deadlines for Pre-Conference Seminars have been
extended till December 15th 2017.
extended till December 15th 2017.
The musical journeys of young children: journeys within their first eight years of life, journeys within educational settings, familial journeys and journeys through and within musical cultures. Examples of research and practice from many parts of the world, aimed at describing, celebrating, nurturing, and critically discussing those musical journeys, will be shared through keynote speaker, round table, paper presentations, workshops, symposia, and posters.
All ECME presenters must be a current member of ISME at the time of submission and during the seminar. All presenters are expected to attend the entire seminar. Any special circumstances that prevent attendance for the entire week must be discussed with the commission chair prior to the seminar. All authors/presenters of accepted submissions should complete their registration by March 31st, 2018 (Early Bird registration date).
For more information on submissions click the button below:
Delegates attending the 2018 ECME Pre-Conference Commission are required to be members of ISME. For information regarding ISME membership please click here.